**NEW RELEASE** The Week Between

Regular price $30.00

Reactive living is not a crime; it’s just a shame.  But living proactively?  Well, now, that’s a completely different ballgame.  Proactive living involves assessing where you have been, where you are, and where you are going.  It involves throwing away the useless and picking up the necessary.  It involves intentionality, desire, and self-discipline.  Proactive living changes lives and worlds, beginning with yours. 

This study is perfect for entering the New Year or for use at any point during the year when you are transitioning into a new season of life.  You can be better, life can be better, and circumstances can be better, and it all starts now with day one of The Week Between: A 7-Day Path to New Beginnings.

Paperback, perfect bound, 112 pages.